Comune di Regalbuto

Comune di Regalbuto is not only a Web site, but also a complete web application that gives to administrator a set of functionalities for:

  • Manage acts and attachments in different sections (Delibere, Ordinanze, Bandi, etc.);
  • Albo Pretorio section with automatic deadlines management;
  • Manage company contracts with automatic generation/correction of XML documents needed by italian law (ANCI);
  • Manage "graduates list";
  • Manage content of "Comune di Regalbuto" App for Android and iOS with the possibility of sending push notifications;
  • Manage "Servizi per il Cittadino" with private area accessibles from citizen to manage the "Ecopunti" system and show statistics;


The Web Site and Backend Application are supported by StudioPigola on Internet Explorer 11 and Microsoft Edge on all versions of Windows 10.